Rollover to Zoom - Protect Wildlife Habitat UK

£0.82 £1.00
Validity: 12 Months
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Redemption Instructions
To redeem, please follow these steps: 1. Enter this link and get ready for some eco-action! 2. Use your code along with your email 3. Add your name, or maybe even the name of a loved one for the certificate 4. Get your certificate, and share it with your family and friends. Time to show the world your eco-powers 5. Oh, and don't forget, we'll also send the certificate straight to your email
Protecting wildlife habitats means setting apart and protecting entire chunks of an ecosystem, instead of focusing on one species. This is required so that the selected ecosystems can maintain their function and role in regulating climate and biodiversity. Our partners work in key areas around the world that are home to thousands of unique and irreplaceable species. These areas perform crucial roles in global climate regulation, like the Amazon Forest, the Atlantic Forest, Tundras, and more.We partner with trusted organizations like Rainforest Trust, WeForest, Asociaciòn ProPurùs, Fundación Jocotoco, Snow Leopard Trust and David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation. Our partners are spread across a chain of stages to protect wildlife habitats: designating land a protected area, supporting infrastructure installation to ensure protection, restoring degraded landscapes, and managing reserves and protected area activities. Our partners work with local communities, authorities, and the scientific community to maintain and ensure the protection status, offering training and operational support to local communities in not only restoring or maintaining a protected area, but also developing sustainable ways to support livelihoods around those activities.Please note that every 1 dollar spent = 1 impact unit = Protect 10 Sqft of Wildlife Habitat Land
Terms and Condition

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